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Year 3 Curriculum
Class teacher: Mrs Wolstenholme and Mrs Patterson
Please check ClassDojo for the knowledge organisers that will be sent home each half term to tell you what your child is learning.
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | |||||||||||||
Science | Movement and nutrition | Forces and Magnets | Rocks and Soils | Light and Shadows | Plant reproduction | Making connections | ||||||||||||
RE | What kind of world did Jesus want? | How is faith expressed in Sikh communities and traditions? | What is the ‘Trinity’ and why is it important to Christians? | Why do Christians call the day Jesus dies ‘Good Friday’? | Where, how and why do people worship? | How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jewish people? | ||||||||||||
History | British History 1: Would you prefer to live in the Stone Age, Iron Age or Bronze Age? | British History 2: Why did the Romans settle in Britain? | How have children's lives changed? | |||||||||||||||
Geography | Why do people live near volcanoes? | Who lives in Antartica? | Are all settlements the same? (Year 4 What are rivers and how are they used?) | |||||||||||||||
Art | Drawing: Growing artists | Craft and design: Fabric of nature | Sculpture and 3D: Abstract shape and space | |||||||||||||||
DT | Cooking and nutrition: Eating seasonally | Digital world: Wearable technology | Structures: Constructing a castle | |||||||||||||||
PSHE | How can we be a good friend? | What keeps us safe? | What are families like? | What makes a community? | Why should we eat well and look after our teeth? | Why should we keep active and sleep well? | ||||||||||||
Music | Unit 1 – Environment (composition) Unit 3 – Sounds (exploring sounds) |
Unit 4 – Poetry (Performance) Unit 5 – China (pitch) |
Unit 6 – Time (Beat) Unit 11 – Ancient (performance) |