John Donne Church of England Primary School

John Donne Primary School John Donne Primary School

Providing excellence and enjoyment
for everyone within a happy, safe and Christian environment.

Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School


I am delighted to welcome you to our school.  Starting school is an exciting time for you and your family and you will be welcomed into John Donne with care, love and support. 

 Thank you for taking the time to browse our website. I hope that you find it informative and that it answers any questions you may have. My name is Anita Whitehurst and I am the Executive Headteacher and I feel truly privileged to lead this welcoming and happy village school.

At John Donne we have high expectations of our children and set challenging targets for them. Every child is encouraged to reach their full potential and we recognise that every child is special and has their own contributions to make.

Our staff are dedicated and hardworking and want your children to have a memorable school experience.  We provide a safe, calm and caring atmosphere.

The Staff and Governors continually seek the views of parents, carers and visitors to our school. We recognise that parents play an important role in the education of their children and as such, we welcome your support and co-operation in making your child’s time at John Donne enjoyable. 

If you ever have any questions or queries do speak to your child's class teacher or Please call at any time to make an appointment to see either myself or my team via the school office.

Our website can only give you a glimpse of what life is like at John Donne and I would encourage you to come and see for yourself.  Please do contact the school office on 01767 640346 to make an appointment for a tour.  I look forward to seeing you.