John Donne Church of England Primary School

John Donne Primary School John Donne Primary School

Providing excellence and enjoyment
for everyone within a happy, safe and Christian environment.

Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School


If you are concerned about the welfare of a child then please speak to a member of our safeguarding team.  Alternatively you can contact Central Bedfordshire Council’s safeguarding team on: 

0300 300 8585

(0300 300 8123 out of hours).

The school has 3 safeguarding officers:

  • Mrs Anita Whitehurst – Designated Safeguarding Officer
  • Mr Eddie Kirk - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer
  • Mrs Samantha Bradbury -  Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer


You can also talk to the NSPCC if you are concerned about a child, if you're a parent or carer looking for advice, or if you're a professional in need of information and guidance. Whatever your worry – call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000, email us, or submit our online form – we can help. We also have advice about spotting the signs of abuse.

NSPCC report a concern website

Useful websites


NSPCC guidance for parents


CEOP (offer guidance regarding ho to speak to if you have concerns regarding your child's online activity)

UK safer internet centre

Choosing the correct car seat support and guidance (go compare)