John Donne Church of England Primary School

John Donne Primary School John Donne Primary School

Providing excellence and enjoyment
for everyone within a happy, safe and Christian environment.

Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School




Children are admitted to the Nursery in our Early Years Foundation Stage the term after their third birthday.   We offer mornings, afternoons or full day sessions.  Parents/Carers can register their child with us for a Nursery place any time from birth.  (Registration form below).

Starting Nursery and choosing sessions

We will write to you in the term prior to your child’s start date asking if you still require their place and asking for your preference of sessions.

Prior to starting the EYFS, we will arrange for you to visit the EYFS with your child to introduce them to staff and their new surroundings.  At this meeting we will set a start date and arrange for two members of staff to visit the family home to see the child in their own setting, this helps to promote good home/school relationships and ease your child’s settling into school.

Please see below our timings for our sessions:

Mornings: 9am-12pm

Afternoons: 12:30-3:30pm

Full day: 9am-3:30pm

Additional sessions

We offer a limited number of 30 hour spaces.  We also offer parents the chance to  “top up” their Nursery sessions with paid places. These places are limited and subject to availability, places may not be available throughout the year depending on places offered to children on our waiting list.  Places must be booked and paid for in advance via the school office.

There is also an option for those attending morning sessions to add an additional hour to stay for lunch. Collection will be 1pm. This will be charged at the hourly rate.

Moving to Reception

Admission to our EYFS at age 3 does not guarantee your child a place in our Reception class.  Applications for a place in our reception class must be made through the Local Authority.

For further details or to book a tour of the school please contact the school office.


Applying for a place 

Children are normally admitted to primary school at the start of the Reception year, that is the school year in which they become 5.  Parents of children due to be admitted to school at this time will be required to complete the local authority application form or apply online.  The Local Authority recommend you apply online.  We will provide a link to this portal once it is open in the Autumn term each academic year.

The application process for children Starting School in September usually opens in mid-October and the closing date for receipt of applications is on or around the 15 January.

Places will be allocated by April in the year of commencement of the child’s reception year.

Central Bedfordshire Council will provide the school with a supply of application forms during October and posters will be displayed around the school showing the closing date for application forms. It is recommended that parents apply online for school places.

Link to Central Bedfordshire Primary School Admissions Page

Main School

Applications for places in years other than reception or at other times of the year should be made via an application form which is available from the school office.  The Headteacher will speak to prospective parents regarding their child’s transfer to John Donne and arrange for them to visit the school. 

Moving to Secondary School

Applications for places for Year 7 at Secondary School need to be made to the Local Authority by 31st October of each academic year.  Further information is available on the link below.

Link to Central Bedfordshire Secondary School Admissions Page


For further information about Sandy Secondary School, please follow the link below or telephone them on 01767 680598

Sandy Secondary Website