John Donne Church of England Primary School

John Donne Primary School John Donne Primary School

Providing excellence and enjoyment
for everyone within a happy, safe and Christian environment.

Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School Life at John Donne Church of England Primary School

How can I help my child?

Finding out that your child has a special educational need can be unsettling.  However there are lots of ways in which you can support your child at home. Below we have uploaded some documents and links that can give you further advice and guidance.

However please do ring or email Mrs Whitehurst if you have any concerns or questions.

SNAP is a Central Beds parent forum and their website can be found by clicking here.

Central Bedfordshire support

Central Bedfordshire Council  local offer


Children with disabilities register


British Dyslexia Association

Dyslexia Assist

The dyslexia trust

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Young minds

ADHD foundation


Autism Bedfordshire

Child autism

Ambitious about autism



Dyspraxia foundation

Movement matters


Speech and Language

Bedfordshire NHS

Oppositional Defiance Disorder

Clinical partners

Net doctor

Mental Health

Young minds



Self Harming
